Monday, December 13, 2010

Community: Unique Success Story

We want to share a success story today reported to us by Voice123 voice talent, Vanessa Lee, taken directly from email with her permission. Thank you Vanessa!

"I recently went to Space City studios in Kensington, London, as I had been chosen to voice a Mudd face pack commercial which is currently on TV. As I left the building I received a phone call from another producer at Space City, who asked me to voice an AxaPPP radio commercial, so I turned around and went back and made that recording, too. It was a complete coincidence that my audition had been ranked "finalist" by two separate producers in the same company, on the same morning, and both jobs came from the Voice123 website. Thanks Voice 123! That was the best paid morning’s work ever."

Here is her voice in action!

If you have a success story you would like to share from a voice over gig, simply drop us an email with your permission to post it! We will gladly share it with the voice community!

Thank you!

Voice123 - The Voice Marketplace

Steven Lowell
Community Development Manager
Voice123 Facebook
Voice123 Youtube Channel
Twitter: @voice123

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks. Great Job!!!