Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How Voice Talents Find Work on Voice123!

There are many ways in which one can find work on Voice123.

First, there are your typical SmartCast-'Enabled' projects. You knew about these, didn't you? Did you know that you can find all SmartCast-Enabled projects on the Project Directory?

You can also be directly invited to SmartCast-Enabled projects by the voice seeker, even after they use SmartCast technology to receive auditions. Still, there are some ways you may not be so familiar with:

  • SmartCast-Disabled Projects:
    Some voice seekers use the Voice123 system to directly invite voice over talents, only, using the search talent feature.

  • Direct Invite & Private Messages & Google Search:
    Voice seekers sometimes skip the whole process of creating a project and just go straight for the talent they need! This is a benefit of belonging to Voice123, the most popular voice over casting website. If you offer something unique, make sure your profile shows it, as voice seekers commonly find talent through Voice123 on Google searches.

  • Contracts/Long-lasting Business Relationships:
    Voice123 can honestly say this is where the 'real money' comes from. After working with clients met through Voice123, you will find some want to sign voice talents to contracts to keep doing business in the future. Most of our long-time voice over talents currently benefit from this! Voice123 talents have signed contract with such great companies as ESPN, Disney, History Channel, and even NASA!
Working with Voice123 provides you with incredible exposure, and work opportunities!

We certainly wish you the best of luck and thank you for being a part of Voice123!

Thank you always!

Voice123 - The Voice Marketplace
Steven Lowell
Quality Assurance Manager
My Blog

1 comment:

MJ said...

since there's a blog, i thought i'd ask...why is there a Project Directory for all SmartCast-Enabled projects, if you can't apply/audition for them unless invited in one way or another?

i see so many i COULD do, but i haven't been asked...
is it all just an eviiillle plot to tease us? ;)