Sunday, March 01, 2009

Voice123 & Source Elements Announce Exclusive Offer!

Voice123 has partnered with the creators of Source Connect to offer Voice123 Premium Subscribers a great recording tool at a discounted price!

Voice123 and Source Elements has worked out a deal to offer an exclusive opportunity for Voice123 Premium Subscribers. To learn more about joining the Group Buy of Source-Connect, please contact Voice123's Customer Support.

Source-Connect is the most affordable and widely used IP codec on the market today. As a stand-alone application or as a plug-in for your favorite DAW, Source-Connect is used daily by professionals like Joe Cipriano. Source-Connect makes it easy to do real-time remote voice sessions with your clients. With broadcast quality audio and the ability to bridge to ISDN via EdNet, Digifon and many other bridge providers, Source-Connect will open your market up and allow greater flexibility for your sessions and clients.

Save as much as $200 on Source-Connect by joining this group buy. Spread the word! The more Premium Subscribers that join in, the closer we all are to the possible savings of $200. This group buy is limited to 200 members only and only available until the end of March. One purchase per member. Source-Connect is regularly priced at $395.

If you are not Premium Subscriber yet and want to learn about this and all the benefits of becoming Premium, take a look at this link.

We hope you can take advantage of this offer!


Voice123 - The Voice Marketplace
Juan Salcedo
General Manager


Thomas Bromhead said...

What a fantastic idea!
Count me in.
Makes my membership virtually free.
Come to think of it I already got 6 months free when I won the political impersonation its actually better than free!! Woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

Soy locutora nacional, con 30 años de profesion. Trabaje en radio haciendo locucion comercial e informativo, y en television haciendo locucion comercial en off y produccion de programas de entreteniemientos. Trabaje con los mas grandes profesionales de la locucion: Antonio Carrizo, Julio Lagos, Riverito, Nelly Trenti, Beba Vignola, Rina Moran, y el gran Hector Larrea.
En television trabaje con Leonardo Simons, Fernando Bravo, Leo Montero, y Silvio Soldán.
Tambien trabajé para canal 12 de Uruguay como locutora en off y productora de programas de entretenimiento.
Hice publicidades y doblajes para television, y radio.
Hablo correctamente ingles, tengo conocimientos de frances e italiano.
Puedo hacer diferentes estilos de locucion.
Pueden ver mi CV en el Professional Profile de Facebook.
Mi mail es
Mi Te: 155-604-2302
Quedo a la espera de vuestra respuesta.
Muchas gracias.
Liliana Bejarano