Thursday, March 20, 2008

Two Millionth Audition: And The Winner Is...

Voice123 would like to congratulate Charles Kahlenberg for submitting the Two Millionth Audition, and is the winner of a free one-year Premium Subscription to Voice123!

The project it was submitted for is "Ten Second Thank You".

Charles Kahlenberg is an experienced voice over talent in the business since 1974, and has an extensive list of credentials.

We thank him and everyone who auditions at Voice123 everyday that helped us reach this milestone! We hope you are all with us when we hit three million!

Thank you!!!

The Voice123 Team
12 Desbrosses St. New York, NY 10013

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Will You Be The Two Millionth Audition?

Hello all!

In case you have not noticed, Voice123 is coming up on processing its 2,000,000th audition/proposal!

To celebrate this event, we are giving away a FREE one-year's subscription to the person who submits the 2,000,000th audition/proposal!
We are watching for it!

It is our way of saying thank you to all of you who use Voice123 everyday! This event is quite the milestone for our staff and we hope you will share in the enjoyment. We will announce the winner shortly!

With almost 700 SmartCast® projects, 233 non-SmartCast® projects and 3627 private messages and project invitations posted in February, Voice123 processes more voiceover projects than any other voice casting site on the Internet.

Thank you for your continued support of Voice123!


Voice123 - The Voice Marketplace
by Alex Torrenegra
President and Co-founder

Friday, March 07, 2008

Version 2.5: This Weekend & Going Forward

Hello everyone!

I am Steven, Quality Assurance Manager with Voice123 & Voiceover Talent. I wanted to send you a quick note before version 2.5 is released this weekend, and also give you some much needed information about the 'Audition and Proposal Rating System'.

First, I would like to reassure you that you will be given instructions on how to proceed this weekend through emails from our team at Voice123. Please read each one very carefully! We expect a high volume of chats, phone calls, and emails. We will strive to reply to each and every request, quickly & efficiently!

Being a talent myself, I am very proud & confident in the changes to the Talent Voice Producer profile, and even more confident in the fellow peers who are currently beta-testing it. They are sending us their wonderful, professional suggestions. From what we have seen, we at Voice123 are grateful for their participation!

Secondly, an update about the Audition Proposal & Rating system. Your comments & suggestions have been heard, and I have been discussing this in detail with you and internally with staff.

So...what now?

Going forward:
We will be applying changes to the 'rating system' that are more transparent both for talent voice producers & voice seekers.
We will get through the release of Version 2.5, and begin working on those changes shortly thereafter. Details will be available for you when the changes take place.

Lastly, we appreciate your patience & comments over the past months, and ask that you understand that the intention was to give you information on how to improve your chances of booking voiceover work while using the site. We know we have many professionals on Voice123, many of which inspired me to go into voiceovers 15 years ago.

Here I am now at Voice123. I feel blessed to be able to give back to the voiceover community that I have always cherished, and desired to help. I am even taking Alex Torrenegra to my voiceover coaching lessons now in NYC!

Thank you so much for reading!

Your QA Manager,

Voice123 - The Voice Marketplace
by Steven Lowell
Quality Assurance Manager
12 Desbrosses St. New York, NY 10013

PS. Alex is really good, and shows great potential!